In May 1943 Patrick Leigh Fermor was based in Mihali Xylouris' sheepfold at Korakopetra (transl CrowStone) 3 miles south of Anogia. This photo is in PLF's Archive in the National Library of Scotland. It shows PLF and Ralph Stockbridge (wearing glasses) along with andartes from Xylouris band. Xylouris himself can be seen on the far right of the photo - standing - grey moustache.
It is worth noting that Yanni Tsangarakis is not present in the photo. It was about this time - and at this location - that PLF accidentally killed him when his rifle discharged whilst PLF was checking the mechanism. This was one of the greatest tragedies that befell PLF in Crete. The incident is recorded in the Reports section of 'Abducting A General' - (publ. John Murray).
The second photo is of the sheepfold today - May 2015.